As you can see in the photo (left)....winter has completely taken over at the allotment. In some ways this is an improvement as, pre-snow, we were awash with weeds. The snow certainly makes the plot
I had, naively, hoped that the snow would kill off the evil creeping buttercup and dock plants but it would seem that they are just waiting beneath the snow looking as lively as they ever did!
The plan is as soon as we get enough of a thaw I will start to cover the allotment with a layer of cardboard, newspaper and carpet (I should have done this pre-Christmas but as they say 'hindsight is 20:20'). The idea of covering the ground being that A: it will suffocate/weaken the weed colony and B:help the ground warm up a bit quicker...fingers crossed.
On a happier note my mini tunnel is still standing, a little battered by the snow but standing all the same. I had a peek inside and the ground is frozen solid as you'd expect and wouldn't you know there's a fresh generation of creeping buttercup looking very cosy indeed!
Well, it is most certainly weather for planning so I'm off to write up a wish list of what to grow this year.
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