Allotment#146 in 2010 - The Plan
Just 7 days ago my allotment, an indeed most of the country was covered in snow. Now that it's gone we are left with mud, flood and (thankfully) brighter days.
I am determined to get the allotment into better shape ready for when the real good weather comes. As I'm convinced that there is more snow and most definitely more rain to come I and my allotment friends, Sharon and Chris, will be working hard to get the weeds out, manure in and ground covered. Here's the plan:
Before we can start sowing seeds we have to do the ground work, literally! Today I started by clearing away any rubbish, spreading manure on the designated pumpkin patch, which I started preparing in November. I have started to dig in manure around the front left quarter of the plot, which will be lettuce and pak choi according to the plan. Once it was dug in I covered the ground and will continue in this fashion until the whole thing is covered. The idea is that it will A - keep down the weeds and B - keep the soil warmer. Fingers crossed.
There is a lot more digging and weeding to be done so Chris has inlisted his brother to help us next Sunday and Sharon will be baking biscuits for us to munch as we work hard! Sharon is designated as 'Creative Director' and will be making the allotment 'aesthetically pleasing' whilst Chris and I get on with the hard graft! We have a plan to win 'Best Allotment' this year - it's just for fun and run by the allotment managers but we're as competitive as Olympic gymnasts* and will be doing what we can to win.
I'll let you know how we get on next week.
*but not as flexible or able to do backflips.
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