Jan 25, 2010
Allotment #146 continued
As planned today was a day of digging as Chris, Sharon and I started to prepare our allotment plot for planting season.
Here's how I left the plot last week:
Shocking isn't it! The worst thing is that, weed growth wise, this is an improvement!
Thankfully Casey the dog was onsite to lend a paw with the digging. Here he is with his bounty of weeds.
Chris, Sharon and I got stuck in with some digging too.
Here's Sharon
Here's Chris
As a result of today's hard work section 1 is completely dug over and ready for the manure to go on. Section 2 is dug over and weed free, except for 1 patch of 2009 spinach which will be cleared another day. In section 2 Chris planted some onion sets (red and white*).
Sections 3 & 4 will be revisited soon.
Here's Chris's onion patch, the long strip on the right.
All in all today was a productive today setting on the path to allotment victory.
The dug over section in this picture is section 1 before section 2 got dug over and the onions went in.
Won't make it to the allotment until Feb 6th so lets hope the snow stays away until we cover up the patch!
Chris and Sharon bought the onion sets in Mr Middleton's store on Mary Street but you can also buy from their online shop. (For €4 you get apx 100)
Jan 18, 2010
Jan 16, 2010
This week spuds:

Jan 14, 2010

GIY (Grow it Yourself) Ireland is a new not-for-profit initiative that is literally sweeping the nation. It aims to get people interested in growing their own food and provide them with the practical skills they need to do so successfully. The organisation gets growers together (in the community and online) on a regular basis to talk, learn from each other and exchange tips, produce and war stories. GIY activities include monthly meetings, talks and demos; garden visits, seed and seedling swaps; produce bartering, mentor panels and grower’s meitheals.
GIY Ireland aims to establish a GIY group in every community in Ireland. There are currently 40 GIY groups in 20 counties nationwide and over 50 other groups in development. Meetings are free and open to people who are growing at all levels – from those who grow a few herbs in a window box to those who are completely self-sufficient, from absolute beginners to old hands. The organisation was founded by journalist and author Michael Kelly and patrons include Diarmuid Gavin, Darina Allen, Clodagh McKenna and Joy Larkcom. Your local GIY group needs a mix of interests, abilities and experience to make this a success – so don’t be shy. Come along and bring any family, friends or neighbours who might be interested too.
GIY Blanchardstown will be based in Blanchardstown Library. The first meeting takes place on Wednesday the 3rd of February at 7pm. For more information visit www.giyireland.com or email GIYblanch@gmail.com.
Jan 12, 2010

As you can see in the photo (left)....winter has completely taken over at the allotment. In some ways this is an improvement as, pre-snow, we were awash with weeds. The snow certainly makes the plot
I had, naively, hoped that the snow would kill off the evil creeping buttercup and dock plants but it would seem that they are just waiting beneath the snow looking as lively as they ever did!
The plan is as soon as we get enough of a thaw I will start to cover the allotment with a layer of cardboard, newspaper and carpet (I should have done this pre-Christmas but as they say 'hindsight is 20:20'). The idea of covering the ground being that A: it will suffocate/weaken the weed colony and B:help the ground warm up a bit quicker...fingers crossed.
On a happier note my mini tunnel is still standing, a little battered by the snow but standing all the same. I had a peek inside and the ground is frozen solid as you'd expect and wouldn't you know there's a fresh generation of creeping buttercup looking very cosy indeed!
Well, it is most certainly weather for planning so I'm off to write up a wish list of what to grow this year.
Jan 9, 2010
A very exciting week indeed...
On Thursday this week I met up with Ger Skelly for a coffee and a chat about setting up a GIY group in our area.
Turns out Ger is incredibley organised, thankfully, and by the time we parted ways we had already applied to Blanchardstown Library to book a room, selected a first meeting date, drafted a marketing plan (of sorts) and got to know a little about each other. Not bad for two people who had never met before!
We are just fine tuning the first meeting date now as we're hoping that one of the GIY Representatives can attend. It'll either be Jan 26th or Feb 3rd - I'll let you know.