Jun 10, 2009

Get what you want out of life

This isn't particularly related to anything on this blog other than doing "your thing" (yes I'm quoting a diet coke ad) of which I'm a big believer of.

A friend of mine told me about the site 43things.com so I checked it out took a quiz and it turns out that I'm a Self-knowing healthy builder whatever that means. So if like me you're hurtling towards 30 ( 1 year, 7 months, and 23 days to be precise) why not log on to 43things.com and write yourself a list of goals that you hope to acheive before the big birthday bash!

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Self-Knowing Healthy Builder


  1. Joe Murphy18.6.09

    4http://www.43folders.com is also worth a look. Lots of geart stuff on productivity, methods, and how to procrastinate better.

  2. Thanks Joe, I'll check it out!
