So, as I have a free weekend for the first time in months I decided to take advantage and get out in the garden for a bit of a tidy up. It was a short lived attempt! Within minutes I was being chased away from the Sedum's by a feisty Honey Bee and on closer inspection (from a safe distance) I realised it was one of many little bees busily tucking in to the Sedum flower heads. I've resolved to wait until later today, when it's cooler, to tidy up that particular section as the bees will be lest active.
Now, I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp and I hope to elude this painful experience and to never find out if I'm allergic to either. To continue gardening and avoid getting stung I'll have to take some precautions.
Tips for avoiding the sting whilst gardening:
- Don't wear bright colours that will attract bees. This includes your gloves. Wear neutral earth based colours.
- Move slowly if you are near bees so not to aggravate them.
- Don't wear perfume
- Wear shoes, this should be a given anyway as it's never safe to garden barefoot.
- Don't flap around if one lands on you, it'll move on peacefully as long as it doesn't feel threatened.
- If there seems to be a lot of bees think about waiting a while until they've moved on. Also, have a look around and see if there is a bee nest on your property somewhere. If there is, do not disturb it and call a professional if you want it removed.
Happy safe gardening.
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