"It's like laying carpet"
"It's like laying carpet"..that's what I kept getting told in regards to laying down rolls of turf.
I'd like to point out that when laying carpet it is not neccassary to purchase 1tonne of sand, level and rotovate the ground and then shift the 1 tonne of sand onto the ground, level again with the back of a rake then pack down by treading like a Seagull dancing for worms (see video if you don't know what I mean).
All before the turf goes anywhere near it's final destination!
Thankfully we had a secret weapon...Helen! Helen read Mr Donegan's 'SOS Garden' blog and decided to come along and help us out. Despite the mud, the rain and the general chaos Helen stayed until it was dark and was a huge help... THANK YOU HELEN!
So now the path is turfed, well I need to shape it this evening as it is quite hard to do that in the dark!
The lovely Mr Pat Fitgerald also got in touch today to let me know that the plants would be arriving Saturday morning :) I'll be there with my troops ready to get them planted before I head home to work on the seating area wood work.
So much to do...such determination to do it!
ps to all you that prayed for the rain to hold off last night - thank you - it held off long enough for us to do what we needed and then poured down as we left. Phew!
I don't think we looked as graceful as that seagull, given the amount of mud on our boots, but it was fun all the same ;-)