Irish Mail on Sunday 24/05/2009

But I'm no quitter so...we took down the path fencing and we started again.
And bit by bit it's getting back on track and starting to look like it's supposed to.
Thankfully we had another bunch of fabulous volunteers helping us over the weekend...Thank you to Anna & Javier, Chris & Sharon, Gerard and his magic spade. Especially for sticking around despite the mud!
So, what to do about the plants? I hadn't got the foggiest what I was going to do about the fact that the plants were A:too small and B:to few. I had visions of me running around every nursery in Ireland grabbing all the Stipa I could get my hands on. I even caught myself eyeing up a lushly planted roundabout near home wondering if the local council would miss a few plants for a week or two! (I wouln't do that of course!). Then, out of the blue Peter and Sara Donegan arrived on site to say hello. I tried to look optimistic whilst I filled them in about the path fencing setback but I don't think they bought it. In fact I know they didn't because Peter very kindly put up a post on his blog appealing for helpers on my behalf (Thank you Peter). It wasn't long before Pat Fitzgerald of My Plants got in touch and offered to supply Carex buchanii for the garden....FANTASTIC!
We're back on track. Tonight we're laying the turf on the path and I hope that rain stays away until after we're done! If you're reading this thinking 'poor thing, what has she got herself into' then feel free to pop down to Phoenix Park and lend a hand...and bring your wellies!
8.30am and it was lashing down, we were literally soaked through but not enough to dampen our spirits. Especially as we had been blessed with a Mini Digger thanks to the kind folks in VAZUMO.COM. After a crash course on how to drive the digger the dig volunteers were off like Bob the Builder on a mission!
As we were digging past a certain depth it was necessary to have an Archaeologist present as we dug. Poor Darragh, out designated Time Team Member, had to stand over the hole and watch as it was slowly dug just in case we unearthed some hidden treasure. A few hours on (and thankfully it had stopped raining) and the hole is done. Sadly no gold was found, sorry Darragh!
Throughout the morning fantastic friends arrived to help with the Big Dig. This project would be impossible without them so a HUGE THANK YOU to...
Javier, Anna, Gerard, Claude, Jeanne, Andriy.
Your hard work and encouragement is really appreciated, thank you all.
By the end of Saturday the main excavations were done, the path was edged and the garden was really starting to take shape.
Sunday morning was designated to cutting the posts for the path wall after which we loaded them into the car and headed down to the garden site in Phoenix Park. Sunday's progress was good, the posts went in and now stand firm and the path wall is really starting to take shape. Although, in it's unfinished state it does resemble an unused mine shaft! We left at dusk only because we could no longer see where we were digging.
Our determination to finish this garden project to the high standard we want means that we will be there every evening this week installing woodwork and preparing for planting.
Step 2: measure out plot and mark out features with twine
Step 3: Grab spade and dig in
Step 4: Swap spade for fork and start making progress!
Step 5: consider running away with the circus
Step 6: think better of it and crack on